Intuitive Eating

Intuitive Eating is an evidence-based programme that enables you to develop body positivity and reconnecting with your internal wisdom about eating – to unlearn everything that you were taught about calorie-counting and other aspects of diet –  and to learn about the harm of weight stigma.

You will learn how to fight against diet culture and reject the diet mentality forever.

You will be able to find satisfaction in your food choices. Exercise kindness towards your feelings, your body and yourself. Prevent or heal the wounds of a lifetime of disordered eating.

Respect your body and make peace with food – at any age, weight, or stage of development.

Follow body positive messages for inspiration and validation.

By integrating Intuitive Eating into your everyday life, you will feel the freedom that comes with trusting your inner wisdom – for life.

There are 10 principles of intuitive eating which achieve a new and trusting relationship with food.

  1. Reject the Diet Mentality
  2. Honour your hunger
  3. Challenge the food police
  4. Make peace with food
  5. Discover the satisfaction factor
  6. Respect your fullness
  7. Honour your feelings without using food
  8. Respect your body
  9. Exercise- feel the difference
  10. Honour your health with gentle nutrition

By integrating Intuitive Eating into your everyday life, you will feel the freedom that comes with trusting your inner wisdom.

Check out the Intuitive Eating science here. 


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