Free Intuitive Eating Group

Free Intuitive Eating  Group

This free Intuitive Eating group will help you connect with others in the same situation as you.  If is led by Alison Hall – certified Intuitive Eating counsellor.

This free Intuitive Eating group will help you if:

  • You are working towards Intuitive Eating and it’s getting emotionally really hard.
  • You are finding it difficult to accept your body because of internalised weight-stigma you have.
  • You are struggling to believe that health is possible at every size.
  • You are “grieving” the “thin-ideal” body you always thought you’d have one day.
  • You are finding it difficult to sense your physical hunger because emotional hunger gets to you first.
  • You are finding it difficult to let go of eating rules, especially concerning quantities and types of food to eating.

These are just some of the sticking points when learning Intuitive Eating. Remember you are unlearning all the attributes of diet culture at the same time. No easy feat.  Come and get some support and empathy and ideas to get around the blocks you are facing with this free Intuitive Eating group.

Kind regards,


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